Rigorous analysis of 1031 exchange properties.
Many 1031 investors are uncertain about which properties to invest in, so we developed a method for comprehensively analyzing investment offerings designed for 1031 exchanges and made our results available online. Not only is the research provided at 1031Analysis.org exceptional in its rigor, it's the only due diligence platform to make its reports open access.
It's time you saw the whole picture.
You may have received marketing materials or recommendations about investments in the past and wondered...
- "Have I been shown all the options, or just the latest offerings from a particular sponsor?"
- "Have the facts been sugar-coated to obscure potential risks?
- "How thorough was the due diligence process that led to this recommendation?"
- "Are the cash flow projections based on overly optimistic assumptions?"
- "How will this investment withstand macroeconomic pressures or changes in the real estate market?"
To help investors address these and other important questions, 1031Analysis.org evaluates each property it reviews using the same set of robust, quantitative and qualitative criteria, and presents the results in the same format, for every property, every time. We think it’s important that you see the whole picture for each property and get what you need to "compare apples to apples".
Extensive property list. Trustworthy analysis.
Investing in passive income-producing real estate can provide stable cash flow and potential appreciation, however, it always involves risk. While risk cannot be avoided, ignorance can. That’s why our analysis is designed not only to highlight a property’s strengths, but also to reveal any hidden risks. We summarize our findings and make them available to the public so that investors can make better-informed decisions.
Our Process
We analyze each property according to a consistent set of criteria, performing a thorough review of each of the following resources:
- Recent Phase I environmental reports
- Property condition reports
- Underwriting assumptions and/or projections
- Private Placement Memoranda (PPM)
- Property appraisals
- Lease and tenant analysis
- Tenant balance sheets/financials
- Credit scores from S&P, Moody, Fitch, or others
- Tax Opinions
We also analyze additional factors, including:
- Local economy
- REIS and other third-party market reports
- Surrounding businesses
- Industry sector diversification
- Demand generators
- Police reports
- Job market
- Demographics
- Supply/Demand statistics, including permits and unit delivery
- Average incomes
- Any other factors that could impact the property’s long-term success